Lucky Sevens [ September 17, 2005, 1:02 am ]

I snagged this MeMe from Dawn. Because the world cannot have too many people who like to talk about themselves. And because I'm not self-involved enough as it is.

1. Seven Things That Scare Me
* living an unfulfilled life
* never falling in love
* spiders
* the thought of never finding a job that makes me feel happy, challenged and fulfilled
* winter driving
* destructive/negative people
* did I mention spiders?

2. Seven Things I Like
* thunderstorms
* cuddling
* good music
* writing
* long showers
* fall weather
* laughing. Hard. And lots.

3. Seven Important Things in My (Bed)Room
* my nice, soft, comfy bed
* my stereo
* my cell phone charger
* all of my scrapbooks and photo albums
* all of my clothes!
* my diary
* a good majority of my CD collection

4. Seven Random Facts About Me
* I always throw pennies into wishing wells because I truly believe that my wishes just might come true.
* I've recently started doing pilates. And I like it, which is the surprising part.
* The scar on the bottom of my chin is not self-induced like most of my scars, but sister-induced from an all-out chase (she chased me with a yard-stick) around the house when I was five.
* There is always a John Mayer CD in my stereo, in the first disc slot.
* One of my biggest goals in life is to be an essayist. A prestigious essayist at that.
* Because I've met so many famous people, I could easily be linked to some of the biggest names in Hollywood in only a couple of steps: Nicole Kidman (in one step), Jessica Simpson(in one step), the original (and now movie!) cast of Rent (ok, so they're not some of the biggest names, but they're important to me and I can link to them in three steps.).
* Dakota Fanning bugs the crap out of me. I don't see the big deal about her.

5. Seven Things I Plan on Doing Before I Die
* fill my passport with stamps from around the world
* fall in love
* become published
* go back to Disney World
* learn another language
* learn to play bass guitar
* buy my own piece of bling

6. Seven Things I Can Do or Have Done.
* play the drums
* swear in more than one language (I consider it time well spent with my grandpa)
* speak in front of large groups of people without panicking or breaking into a cold sweat
* make kick-ass pesto
* survive resigning from a job while not knowing what the future will be like
* cut my own hair (although I don't prefer to do that)
* drive in/around Detroit

7. Seven Things I Cannot or Will Not Do
* cook...for the most part. Because I'm not domestically inclined
* resist dancing if there's a good or fun song playing
* not quote Napoleon Dynamite or Spice World
* not swear
* lie. At all.
* resist doing shots if someone brings up the topic of shooting alcohol
* not watch reality tv

8. Seven Things I Say the Most
* SHIT!!
* Sweet Jesus!
* OWWWWW! (You know? Because I'm so freakin' accident-prone?)
* Shut up.
* Hahahaha! (Note: I don't say "hahaha", I laugh. A lot.)
* I think I hate you a little bit.

9. Seven Celebs On Whom I Have A Crush
* John Mayer
* Jimmy Fallon
* Rodrigo Santaro
* Ewan McGregor
* Hal Sparks
* Mark Ruffalo
* Sean William Scott

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