I need a Vicodin for this Roaring Headache [ September 10, 2006, 11:22 am ]

Don't get me wrong.

I believe in God. And I'm all about praising Jesus and lifting your voice and singing praises and all that crap.


Do people need to lift their damn voices at the ass-crack of dawn when most people are attempting to sleep off hangovers or catch up on sleep they missed from the past week? Maybe that's why they're doing it, now that I think about it--to punish all of us Jezebels for not praising the baby Jesus as well.

Really though--must the "uplifting" (most of it really is just crap in my opinion--yeah, I said it. I'm going to hell.) music be blasted at decibels that can be heard into space? Jesus isn't deaf! If he can hear one's whispered prayers he can certainly hear the damn music without it having to shake my floor and give me a pounding headache.

Really, blaring music isn't very God-like. I don't think that's something Jesus would do.

Ciao, dahling!


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