I Don't Know the Point of this [ October 17, 2007, 12:20 am ]

12:20 in the morning. A rough draft of an essay is due to my professor by 4 p.m. today. I'm sitting in a coffee house because I knew if I sat in my apartment I'd be distracted by the television or the stereo or my bed or the mess that seems to only get cleaned when I'm procrastinating...

And yet I'm sitting here, highly distracted and completely procrastinating. Not that headway has not been made because it has. I have three good pages done! But now it comes to the actual "meat" of the essay and I'm not feeling quite so motivated. I could call it a night and finish a crap copy in the morning. But while this is only a rough copy and the real paper isn't due until next week I want to prove that this is important to me, so it'll be a rough draft, but it won't necessarily be my first draft.

You follow?

Then again, maybe I SHOULD call it a night if my essay is nearly as rambling as this entry is turning out to be...

Ciao, dahling!

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