I'm Bracing Myself for the Sting of It [ December 17, 2005, 1:31 am ]

I realized something today. I complain too much. It's ALL I do anymore. So if we're friends and I haven't really talked to you in a while? It's probably because I don't think you want to hear me complain about how I don't have a good job and how I don't want to live in the UP anymore and I just want to move and start my life and blah blah BLAH.

Seriously I'M sick of me right now.

Well, not sick of me, but sick of my Sally Sad-sack attitude. I need a bitchslap into reality.

At least it's the holidays so I can concentrate on spending time with the people I love (and the ones that actually call me and DON'T flake out--you know who you are and I love you). And regale all with tales of retail hell. Because it keeps getting better with every customer that comes through my line.

Until next time, this is Krissy "my life isn't so bad so I need to get over myself...AGAIN" P, saying...

Ciao, dahling!


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