Say it with me now! [ November 12, 2005, 10:20 pm ]

I've found the perfect phrase for every occasion in my life.

Boo, you whore.

(Stay with me for a minute. And blame Emily for this phrase because I never said it before she unearthed it from Mean Girls while leaving a voicemail for me.)

When I can't find a clean shirt for work? I can holler "boo, you whore!" at my laundry basket.

When I hear just the ending notes of a favorite song on the radio, I can yell "boo, you whore" at the deejay.

When Em calls me? "BOO YOU WHORE!!!" is the appropriate greeting.

At hockey games when the other team scores or does something equally frustrating? Boo, those whores.

When my DVD player decides to act up (which is, uh, always)? Boo, you whore, followed by a string of f-bombs.

When the karaoke DJ is ignoring our requests? Boo, you whore. (Usually more effective when everyone in the group shouts it in unison. Garnish with a cheers and a shot to follow.)

Tongue-tied and/or can't think of anything to say? A good "boo, you whore" can break the ice nicely.

This could quickly become my life mantra.

Ciao, dahling!


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