56 Lame Questions [ September 05, 2005, 12:37 am ]

Lame(adjective): 1.) a word that I've started to use a lot. 2.) a word I use too much. 3.) what I am tonight, a night before a national holiday, because I'm not drinking or dancing or hanging out with friends.

I'm the epitome of lame. I'm posting the lamest type of entry ever--the MeMe. But it's only because I'm trying to get over myself and I don't think I could write a non-whiny entry tonight. Trust me, this lame-ass entry could be lamer.


1. Nervous habits - playing with my rings, giggling more than normal (read: excessively and loudly) babbling on and on and on...
2. Are you double jointed - not that I know of
3. Can you roll your tongue - no! And it was the bane of my existance in Finn class. And it continues to amuse Emily to this day.
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time - I believe so. But my sister! She's really good at it!
5. Can you blow spit bubbles - oh eew! No.
6. Can you cross your eyes - I just tried and I can say in all honesty that just trying that almost made me pass out. So I'm going with no.
7. Tattoos - contemplating getting one with my sister--matching tats!!
8. Piercing - the ears and the nose
9. Do you make your bed daily - ha! Hahaha! Maybe I should start.


10. Which shoe goes on first - my left. I think.
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? - more than once. And I threaten to do it to some random person (usually an idiot in a bar or a stupid person who makes a dumb comment) once a week or so. Damn, I think I have a problem, yo.
12. On the average, how much money do you carry - I'm an unemployed girl. I'm lucky if I have $5 on me.
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7 - my three rings and a nosering.
14. Favorite piece of clothing - that black v-neck shirt that makes me look like I have clevage. And it does something for my hair, too. I can't explain it, I just look good in it.


15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it - I love twirling my spaghetti. Simple pleasures...
16. Have you ever eaten Spam - yes. And I've liked it.
17. Do you use extra salt on your food - only when it's extra bland. Or if I'm craving lots of salt.
18. How many cereals in your cabinet - one at the moment: Lucky Charms. I loves me some Lucky Charms!
19. What's your favorite beverage - Pepsi! And ice water! And amaretto sours! And Malibu and Coke!
20. What's your favorite fast food restaurant - Lately it's been McDonalds. But that's gonna stop because I hate grease. Really.
21. Do you cook - I try to cook. There is a difference.


22. How often do you brush your teeth - at least once a day.
23. Hair drying method - my beloved blue hairdryer. It needs to be put to rest; it's falling apart bad.
24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair - does a duck swim? Do penguins waddle? Does Mango love his little gold shorts?


25. Do you swear - all the fucking time.
26. Do you ever spit - only in the most dire of situations.


27. Animal - penguins!
28. Food - spaghetti! Taco salad! Pesto! Anything parmesan! Especially parmesan!
29. Month - any month in the fall
30. Day - at the moment it's been Sunday
31. Cartoon - Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
32. Shoe brand - I don't have a favorite brand, but I blame Kohls for feeding into my shoe addiction
33. Subject in school - I excelled at English. Wonder why...
34. Color - purple. And orange. And black--because I look good in black.
35. Sport - hockey. It's the only sport that ADD me can fully appreciate because of its fast pace.
36. TV shows - I'm addicted to reruns of Friends and Seinfeld right now. I think it's a comfort thing because I grew up watching and loving those shows. More recently, I've gotten into Entourage and Stella.
37. Thing to do in the spring - watch the shirtless guys run around. And maybe go to the beach and do outdoorsy things.
38. Thing to do in the summer - run around in flip-flops and bitch about the heat.
39. Thing to do in the autumn - marvel at the amazing color and run around in cute outfits.
40. Thing to do in the winter - buy cute sweaters and rock them. And then rent a bunch of movies, drink a ton of hot cocoa and write and introspect a lot. Oh, and bitch about the blizzards.


41. In the CD player - John Mayer's Clarity, Michael Buble's Home and Jason Mraz's Mr. A-Z...and then some mixes.
42. Person you talk most on the phone with - Joe. We have marathon phone conversations at least once a week. Thank god for unlimited night-time minutes!
43. Reading - Second Summer of the Sisterhood and The Artist's Way: a Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows/mirrors - every chance I get. I'm vain and I'm not afraid to admit it.
45. What color is your bedroom - white. And I can't paint the walls. Humph.
46. Do you use an alarm clock - I can't get up without one.
47. Window seat or aisle - Either...as long as I'm not stuck in the middle. Ugh.


48. What's your sleeping position - I'm weird. I toss and turn and fall asleep on my back. But then! I usually turn over and cuddle on my stomach with the blankets. I'm so weird.
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket - hell no.
50. Do you snore - probably.
51. Do you sleepwalk - not that I know of.
52. Do you talk in your sleep - again--probably. I talk all the rest of the time, why would sleeping stop me?
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals -no, but lately I've been cuddling with my other pillow and comforter. This can't be good.
54. How about with the light on - I can't sleep with the light on.
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on - sometimes I fall asleep to my stereo.
56. Last interesting person you met - Ryan's friend Caryn. She shares his sense of humor and intelligence. Plus she was up for anything, which I admire. More people need to have an adventurous spirit.

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