28 Lessons I've Learned [ July 28, 2010, 11:06 pm ]

In honor of my 28th birthday, these are 28 of the most important lessons I have learned over the years.

(In no particular order.)

1.) Believe in magic--it's real.

2.) A good book can be the best indulgence.

3.) A good nap can be the best cure.

4.) Capture the moment--whether through photos, words, art, dance or wathever feels most authentic to you. Just somehow capture it.

5.) Nothing consoles like a conversation with (or a hug from) Mom.

6.) Digging deep is painful...but very necessary.

7.) Red lipstick has the ability to alter an outfit and your attitude.

8.) Never. Stop. Learning.

9.) The only person who should define you is yourself--if that's not the case you need to change it so you are.

10.) Never trust anyone who refuses to karaoke.

11.) You are so much stronger than you realize.

12.) Some of life's best memories come from spontaneous ideas and suggestions--embrace the amiguity and keep an open mind.

12.) a.) Never say no to a road trip.

13.) Jumping on haybales and walking on icy sidewalks in heels have only one guarantee: both will fuck up your ankles.

14.) You can never have too many gay men in your life.

15.) Love is not all you need--respect, communication and trust are all key components if a relationship is to work.

16.) If two people aren't equally working on a relationship then it will never be a true partnership. And it's probably doomed.

17.) Invest in yourself.

18.) People in the real world don't give a shit about your GPA.

19.) Buy the extended warranty on all major electronic purchases. (Otherwise your stupid laptop will crap out right before an important time--like in the middle of a job search with one month left of grad school, for instance.)

20.) The friends that you can pig out in front of, say stupid shit with and laugh with until your stomach hurts? Those are life's greatest gift.

21.) Tequila is the devil.

22.) Be wary of anyone who tries to censor you.

23.) It takes two to tango--it also takes two to untangle.

24.) Bowling lessons do not guarantee that you'll become a better bowler.

25.) It sucks to admit you're wrong. But it sucks more knowing you've hurt someone. Ammend any situations like this.

26.) You don't have to be perfect, but you should strive to be the best version of yourself.

27.) Don't allow technology to keep you from engaging in life. It's meant to help us connect and live life more fully, not keep us from those fabulous face-to-face moments.

28.) Celebrate! The big, the small--celebrate it all. Life is more fun that way!

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