Do my thing and do it good [ July 27, 2005, 9:55 pm ]

In a couple of hours I will no longer be 22. Instead I'll be an almost-mid-20s 23-year-old. Personally I cannot wait to see what this next year holds for me. Because 22? Has been one hell of a ride.

Let's recap shall we?

- finished off my final year at Northern
- obtained my Bachelor's Degree in Public Relations
- went out into the "real world"
- got my first "real world" job as a faux-communications person who really did a lot of pointless grunt work and sales
- stood up for myself and resigned from the job that made me so unhappy in order to find out what the "pursuit of happiness" truly means
- fell in love with New York City in four whirl-wind days
- traveled overseas
- fell even more deeply in love with London
- saw (and only sort of liked) Paris
- discovered a whole new aspect of myself in jolly ol' England thanks to a couple special people ;)
- helped my family realize our dream of a family vacation in the form of Disney World and in the process became an even bigger (and prouder!) Disney dork during the vacation of a lifetime
- endured and thrived a semester from hell with far too many negative people
- realized how precious and loyal my friends are
- became a better friend and person in the process
- lead one of the biggest/most prominent organizations on Northern's campus
- helped helm the biggest event NMU has seen--that doesn't include speed-skaters, this is (hello, Mr. Cosby!)
- strengthened by writing and challenged myself creatively
- also challenged myself in the will-power aspect with the non-drinking goal
- found myself all over again when I thought I knew who I was

With a year like that, I know that 23 is bound to be just as good--if only because I'll make it that way.

Happy birthday to me!

Ciao, dahling!


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