Obligatory New Year's Post [ January 01, 2006, 9:33 pm ]

Because nobody can hear this too much...

HAPPY 2006!!!

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm really excited about the new year. I'm looking at it as a new opportunity, a chance to write a new chapter, turn a new leaf, do a new thing or hundred...

With me being, uh, me, one would assume that I have a thousand and three goals for the year. In all reality I haven't given much thought to resolutions, though. I've been concentrating on my 101 goals in 1001 days project and a lot of the things on there are things that I really want to accomplish to make me a better person. And the other things that I resolve to do are the same things that I always resolve , ie:
- budget better (for real after seeing the last couple of credit card statements)
- write more
- read more, watch less television

Along with those, I've come up with a couple of mantras/ways to live better for 2006.

1.) Complain less, do more. I like to whine. I'm a princess, I'm a girly girl, I like to think I have the most dramatic life in the history of ever. Instead of whining, bitching and all around kvetching, I'll do something instead, whether it be stopping the complaining, or pretty-fying the world somehow by doling out a compliment or helping someone. I haven't fully thought out this yet, but I like the idea, so I'll go with it and see what happens.

2.) Health-ify me. Mind, body and soul, baby. I'm going to invest in a multi-vitamin, dust off the pilates DVD and limit caffeine. I'll also read more, pray more, write more and sit around less. This also applies to my house and home for it is always messy. I don't like being a slob, so let's make my living space healthy, happy, shiny and pretty, which shall make me happy and help the whole health thing. Hopefully.

3.) Broaden me. Listen to other genres of music. Read that book that I've heard so much about. Watch off-kilter movies. Talk to people I may otherwise surpass if an opportunity arises instead of ignoring a chance to connect. Take a risk (but know my limits).

4.) Be a friend. I say this time and again, but I feel like I don't make my friends feel loved. I'll listen more and talk less. I'll tell them I love them more. I'll make an effort to connect and call and return calls and emails and IMs. I'll roadtrip, planetrip, walktrip, hitchiketrip to see them if it means I can have quality time to catch up.

Here's to 2006. I don't know what it holds, but the promise of new chapters, new friends and old connections is delicious.

Ciao, dahling!


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