Yearly Check-Up [ September 30, 2005, 9:49 am ]

That last day of September--where did this month go? It seems like just a few days ago that I was at Katie's Back-to-School BBQ laughing about the fact that fall is here. And now? It's time to start thinking about Halloween. And the impending winter. (Which I'm kind of looking forward to for some reason.) And! The holiday season.

This year has gone by disgustingly fast. When I was little I never understood when grown-ups would shake their heads and say "time just flies." I used to stare at them, shake my pony-tailed head right back at them, think they were odd and go back to playing with My Little Ponies. Now I shake my head and identify all too well with those figures from my youth.

At the beginning of the year, I declared 2005 to be The Year of the KiKi. While that may be pretentious, I had high hopes for myself. I still do. I had high goals for myself. I still do. At this moment though, I feel the urge to re-examine the goals I set for myself for this year. Kind of like a check-up--because there's still three months to make good on the promises that I made to myself.

My big resolution was to not make excuses. I have to pat myself on the back for this one, because damn! It's a good resolution. Following through, however, is a bit more challenging. Mostly because, um, I forgot about it for the most part. I have however, tried to adapt a "no day but today" attitude towards a lot of things in life, which has helped me to live more in the moment and enjoy my life more. So that counts.

Other goals:
Spend more time with family and friends: I try to spend as much time as possible with the people I love. Lately I've been joking that school is ruining my social life because some of my friends are SO staggeringly busy. But I am happy that I get to spend a lot of quality time with them. I talk to my mom at least twice a week on the phone and my sister and I have been having semi-regular "dates." Life is good in this department.

Let my friends and family know how much I appreciate them: I try to let them know all the time how much I love them. I hope they all realize how amazing they are. Because they really all are. I feel eternally grateful to have met everyone that's in my life. Sigh.

Watch less TV and listen to more music: This doesn't exactly work when one gets sucked into the new fall season of shows. But for the most part I am learning that hitting the tv's off-button and reaching for the stereo makes for one happy Krissy. Bonus points because it makes me feel smarter and slightly more accomplished as well.

Eat more healthful-y: Yeah...I'm definitely working on this. It's hard when there's a penchant for pizza and Vango's buffalo wings, though. But! It is getting easier as I learn to cook more.

Think optimistically no matter how dire the circumstances: This is one goal that I'm proud to have stuck to. Life has thrown me a lot this year, and I've tried to maintain an optimistic sense of self no matter what. It's been a saving grace really.

Write more: My other saving grace has been this. I've completed at least six quality essays this year and I journal at least once a day. Every time I write I'm one step closer to being a great writer. Which hopefully will lead to being published some day. If not, at least it's helping me maintain a sense of sanity and self.

Budget better: Again--a work in progress. I have a mantra I say when I go shopping--"do I really NEED this?" If the answer is no, then I don't get it. It's a fabulous way to budget. All I really spend money on is food, rent and bills. Which is good since I've been living out of my savings account for the past few months.

Don't let fear rule my life: I've traveled overseas, explored places I never thought I'd set foot in, graduated from college and quit a decent job. Plus I'm trying to express myself openly and live my life to its fullest. I think I'm doing decently on this goal.

Become less addicted to the internet: Haha! Next goal, please...

Scrapbook more: I go through spurts. When I do scrap I crank out at least three layouts at a time, which is great. Too bad I don't do it more. What the hell is wrong with me?

Take more risks: I'm workin' on it. Suffice it to say, you won't see me scaling the Great Wall of China anytime soon, though.

Become more goal-oriented and motivated: isn't that what I usually am? This one actually seems applicable right now since I'm feeling slightly introspective and evaluative.

This really is my year. Says me. And I have three more months to make the best of it.

Ciao, dahling!


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