What Lies Beneath [ January 13, 2009, 11:33 am ]

I made a discovery while cleaning out my closet/dressers the other day: I don't have a lot of functional bras.

I mean, I do in the fact that they all do the job when necessary. But I don't have a dozen or so black, white and nude-colored bras like a normal girl would. Instead I apparently have a Very Cute Bra Collection that any girl who works at the Moulin Rouge or Moonlight Bunny Ranch would love. Apparently I'm highly attracted to bright pink, lace and deep green and blue colors--that's what I see when I open my bra drawer.

Instead of feeling a tad annoyed by this discovery I got a little gleeful. Pretty bras! All for me! Screw Victoria's Secret--Krissy's Secret is much prettier and more fun!

I decided to test a theory for my first day of classes yesterday. If subject (read: me) wore something fun and secretive (read: pretty bra), would subject feel any differently? I happily plucked a pink and black confection out of my drawer for the day. And as weird as this sounds--it gave me a definite confidence boost. I felt cute! I felt vivacious and a little sexy! I think I smiled more! I even curled my hair to match my quasi-sex kittenish persona.

Yes, it was a little weird. But in a good way. I think I may have found the secret to success: cute underwear. While I'm sure the bra wasn't the only factor in my mood, it was a definite lift. It was a fun little secret. I mean--until I spill the details the next day on here.

I may be onto something here. The next time you see me or another girl smiling, stop and think for a second because she might be smiling because she has a secret.

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