Voicemails Abound [ February 26, 2003, 12:53 am ]


My friends are so weird. I'm so sorry that I couldn't make the movie night tonight, I HAD to get some last-minute work done. I REALLY did. It's vital to my job. So soooo sorry. But that doesn't mean that you should BOMBARD my voicemail inbox with bizarre-o messages.

Krissyyyyyyyy are you coming? Ya better be coming. We'll start it without you.

Uh yeah we're starting it without you. So sorry--bye.

So they thought that last message was mean so I had to call back to tell you that I didn't mean it to be mean. But they said I was short and mean to you so I called back to say--ehehehehehehe!-- that I didn't mean it.

(Sidenote: all these messages were inter-cut with giggles and laughter. Apparently I missed quite the lil' par-tay.)

K, so Todd cut me off that last one. Sorry-ahahahahaha *click*

uuuhhh, yeah we need you to come in on Saturday for normal office hours. And we're gonna need that stapler back, too. (I think Megan was dared to leave me that one. Nice homage to Office Space though!)

KRISSY--if you don't come to the movie with us I'm gonna skip classes tomorrow. It's ALL your fault. Todd--I thought you weren't talking to me, you DORK. :p

I was so excited when I got back to my room and saw my voicemail blinking happily away. I nearly fell offa my couch when it said I had EIGHT freakin' messages in my inbox. I wasn't nearly so excited when I figured that 6 were from my dorky friends. DORKS!

It was quite enduring though. Too too funny.

It was actually fun tracking down residents. I got to bond a bit with some of them. That's always nice. I think I freaked one girl out because she said she didn't know that she was on probation. Poor girl. =( I hope she's ok. I think I'll have her RA check on her......


Complaint of the night: residents keep ripping my signs down. NOT IMPRESSIVE. All the signs that I've put up for the Quad II event that's going on tomorrow night. I think that that means that the signs are good and funny but it's so freakin' aggravating. Gaaah! I put a lot of time and effort into those signs! I do NOT want them to be torn down right away. It kind of defeats the idea of before-even publicity. Gaaah. :p

K, I'm spent. I must go to sleep. Hehehe--Sister Sister is on. It's so funny cuz Brittany Murphy is on the older episodes, and she looks soooo young and innocent--totally channeling the early 90s--worse than the before-makeover-Tai in ClueLess. Too too funny.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy to: Disney Channel!!!

Crush du Jour: Eminem

Happy Thought of the Moment: bonding with residents, freshly clean laundry, hilarious voicemails, new Lizzie on Friday, fried rice, fun mixes, kazoos, spinny glowsticks, lots of contacts DONE, fresh contact lenses, having Harry volume 4 back (thanks Em!), good lotion, lots of sleep, my Stitch stuffed thing

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