The Running Man Maybe...or! The Macarena! [ November 26, 2007, 2:48 am ]

Just a quick note:

I am not dead. Rather, I am triumphant for I have survived the following things...

- a 15-page paper/presentation about PR departments at private doctoral universities
- an 18-page paper/presentation about campus activities on various sized campuses
- a 10-page literature review about leadership development that included reading a dozen studies about student leaders
- figuring out how to bake a caramel apple pie
- not burning down the apartment/hall while making apple pie
- cooking a demi-full Thanksgiving meal for The Boy and I
- 8 (EIGHT!!!) evaluations for my staff members*

All of this in the past week. If that doesn't deserve an hour-long massage--or at least a glass or two of good wine--then I certainly don't know what does. Needless to say, I am very proud of myself. I'm feelin' a little invincible.

It's just too bad I can't really celebrate this until after I'm off of duty next Saturday. Boo. Until then I'll just do random victory dances all over campus.

Ciao dahling!

* These evals? They're, like, five pages long! With lots of room for suggestions and action plans. WTF? I'm a student--should I be worrying about this kind of stuff? Being a boss-lady is SO not what it's cracked up to be!

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