Reign-y Days [ March 23, 2007, 12:11 am ]

"If I were ruler of the universe, I'd make it a law that if it was thunderstorming you wouldn't have to go to work. So then we could all just lay around and read books and light candles and be all lazy-like."

Becky stopped curling her hair long enough to give me a strange look. "Ok, dear. But what about the people who need to eat?"

I waved away her thought with my mascara wand. "Most people have food in their homes. They can eat that. Having a day off of life is far more important than food. P-shaw!"

"What about electricity? Don't we all need that?" My roommate's eyes squinted thoughtfully as she twirled a long lock of hair around her curling iron.

"Ugh! Why do you think about these things? Why can't you just think about having a nice day off? Why can't you just imagine me being Ruler of the World and play along? You take all the fun out of my morning game! When I AM Ruler of the World I'll let everyone except you have a day off during thunderstorms." With that statement, I leaned on my toes towards our mirror and carefully applied mascara to my non-contact-wearing eyes. It would be a glasses day for me. It was a thunderstorm day, after all.

And--if I'm Ruler of the World, I'll declare glasses-wearing girls as the New Sexy. Except for Becky. Because she doubts my ruling abilities. Although I will still lover her dearly. And I would probably make her a royal advisor-y type of person.

She'd still have to work on thunderstorm days, though.

Ciao, dahling!


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