Thingy Happiness [ November 11, 2002, 12:04 am ]

Mom is conked out on my couch. Hmmm...maybe I should turn the light off. That may be a decent idea. Hehe

So they made it here safely. And Katy went through the group-work part of the competition tonight. She swears that she bombed it cuz she's not "outgoing" enough. Riiight. If she bombed it it's cuz of her lame-ass negative attitude. I really think that she needs an attitude (and personality) transplant at times. Yeah...too bad that those don't exist.


Today's been interesting. Actually last night was pretty damn interesting. It got that way at like 1 am. The boss and I decided to run to WalMart, our cheap price Mecca. It was wonderful. She was on a mission to find a pot for her plant. That was fun. Wally World has no not-ugly pots. It's kind of sad. Not that I really not surprised.

I adopted a little plant. It's a "succulent" plant. It's so cute. It looks like four little trees. They cute. They were dying. I saved them. I named the trees Krissy-Squared, Bob (hehehehe--I love the name Bod. Bob Doooooole), and Morpheus. Hehehe--it's so cuuute. It makes me happy.

Then a BK run was made. AT 2:15 in the morning. For being in Marquette, I am sooo shocked that Burger King was still open. Wow. Yay for late-night fast food.

There was this car of college girls who decided to drive through the drive-thru backwards. It was pretty funny.

I have a new goal in life. Girls--we have a new adventure on our hands. This is SUCH the challenge.

I'm up for it. Hehe

I went to breakfast with Bob today. That was niiiiiice. We ate at the Sweet Water Cafe. GO THERE. They have the best food. Fresh. You know how hard it is to find fresh food in Marquette? Or near campus? Yeah.....go there. It was yummyyyy.

And I got to meet bob's new man--Sean. What a doll. I wish he were straight. Why the fuck are all the great guys gay? Oh well. I'm a fruit fly. I'm beyond discussing this. he's awesome. such a sweetie. We clicked right away. I hope he's around for awhile.

I should go to bed. The family's conked out. Mom's snoring. Hehehe

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: The Cosby Show on Nick at Nite

Crush du Jour: Sex God

Happy Thought of the Moment: talks with the mentor, yummy fresh breakfast, homemade bread, mommy visits, presents (!!!), fooood from mommy, getting my dishes washed, hearing interesting stories, BK runs, late night WalMart runs, fun games, my scarf, clothes that smell like fabric softener, Native American food, new episodes of Proud Family (I saw another one tonight!), "Thingy", Cosby Show, fun family time, late night pizza, cold cold water, lotsa naps, Krissy Kash rounds, fun messages, visitors

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