Thanksgiving Crunch [ November 25, 2003, 10:43 am ]

I have 10.897365466649877 gabillion things to do before I leave at 6:30 tonight.

And I'm writing in here.


I think I have the procrastination gene. Really.

I am just highly unmotivated. I'm hella hella excited to embark on my Thanksgiving adventure with Joe, but I'm not pumped about all the shiznit I gotta do first.

I rolled outta bed at 20 to 9 and hit the ground running. I was so intently focused on packing that I was almost late to opening the desk. My bad. BUT--I am more than half packed now. Yaaay! Now I just gotta figure out how to stuff half my wardrobe into one not-so-huge duffel bag. Humm.

I'm so freakin' out about what to pack. Do I need to dress up for Joe's family's dinner on Thursday? What do I wear to a real gay club? And oh good GOD what will I wear when I see Mr. Mayer on Saturday night. I don't wanna look like a ho, but I'm not schlumping it either. I've gotta look like one hot goddess. Especially if I think I'm gonna try to sneak my way backstage. Mwahaha. (You're gonna see me on the national news, I just know it. "And in our entertainment news, John Mayer refused to play at the Palace due to a yooper girl who tried to hump him before the show.")

Oh good God--what makeup am I taking with me?

Seriously, packing is a five-hour ordeal with me. What is wrong with me? Why can't I just be one of those girls who throws 5 shirts and a couple of pairs of jeans in her bag and be done? Oh yeah--I'm too high-maintenance for that.


Then I also have to put up a bulletin board, post signs about a program next week, get critiques done, run to the bank, attempt to eat, go to class, do mail for the desk, make phone calls and try to sleep before I leave.

I need a personal assistant. Or a mini-me or three.

It'll soooo be worth it though once we're on the road. It's gonna be SUCH a blast this weekend: clubbing, real food, shopping exclusitivity, the John Mayer concert, the parade....oh GOD! I'm so excited!


Aight, I gotta get some crap done.

Happy Thanksgiving all!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Invisible" by Clay Aiken aka the new stalker song

Crush du Jour: John Mayer--HELL YEAH!

Happy Thought of the Moment: this weekend. Everything about this coming weekend. AAAHHHHH!!!!

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