Survey Time Yet Again! [ November 17, 2002, 5:15 pm ]

Guess who's bored? Guess who's procrastinating?!? Hehehe!

1. What is your full name? Kristine Elizabeth

2. Do you have any nicknames? Krissy, KiKi, Krispers, Krispy K, Dork (in a loving way!), AP Krissy, AP (my job, duh)

3. When is your b-day? July 28th

4. What is your favorite holiday? I love Christmas and the surrounding days--the holidays in general cuz of the anticipation and lovingness that everybody feels

5. What is your favorite day of the week? Reason? I really like Thursdays cuz that's when my weekend starts, it's just a great feeling

6. What is your favorite number? 3 or 7

7. What is your favorite color? Orange and purple (not together!)

8. What is your favorite food? My mom's taco salad, Chinese food, thanksgiving dinner (mmmmm)

9. If you could be any fruit, what would you be? A kumquat--it just sounds cool, plus it's unique and fun

10. If you could have a roundtrip ticket to anywhere in the world, where would it be? I want to go to Italy--it's one of my biggest dreams

11. What is in your cd player right now? John Mayer: Room for Squares, Christina Aguilera: Stripped and a bunch of mixed cds I made

12. What kinda car do you drive?

1993 Grand Am--REXY!!!

13. What is your favorite cold rainy day activity? I like to curl up and read a novel--that's so cliche. I also like to just hang out with friends and talk and watch movies.

14. What is your favorite warm sunny day activity? I like just laying outside, workin' on my tan or reading.

15. What is your biggest fear? That I won't be completely happy. I don't think that that'll happen though

16. What book are you reading now? Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and The Idiot Girls Action-Adventure Club

17. What are 3 things you majorly dislike? being sick, being woken up early, when people act like I don't exist or ignore me

18. What are 3 things you love? hanging out with friends, sleeping in, crushing hard-core

19. Who is the person you love most in this world? My mom most of all, but I truly love all of my friends and family to the core

20. Favorite Magazine: Cosmo

21. What would you say are your 3 biggest faults? being too independent at times, procrastinating, wanting to control things too much sometimes

22. What would you say are your 3 strong points about you? That I'm confident, really out-going, and completely genuine and real

23. What is a song that always brings tears to your eyes? "I'm Ok" by Christina Aguilera is the big one for me right now--I can relate a little too it to see where I'm coming from

24. What is your favorite party song? I like "Jenny From the Block" right now..."Dirrty" works too

25. Do you have any songs that truly have meaning to you? Too many to count...

26. If you could have 3 wishes what would they be (Not for more

wishes!!!)? To have SG fall in love with me eternally, for all my friends and family to live happily ever after, and to have a couple billion dollars to take care of those I love

27. Have you ever broken the law? No, I'm a good girl!

28. Have you ever gotten drunk? Noooo! I've gotten buzzed ONCE but that's IT

29. Have you ever smoked weed? Hell no!

30. Have you ever done any other drugs? See above answer....

31. Have you ever danced on a bar? No but I'd really like to!

32. Have you ever skinny dipped? Oh yes--it was too much fun!

33. Have you ever got in a physical fight? No, violence solves nothing

34. Where is the one place you love to go to be alone? To sleep!

35. What is your favorite thing to do when you are bored? Take a nap or read a magazine...or talk

36. Newspaper or magazine? Magazine!

37. Milk or juice? definitely juice

38. Car or truck? My car!

39. Minty or cinnamon? Usually cinnamon--mmm!

40. Pancakes or waffles? Blueberry pancakes!

41. bacon or sausage? Bacon--yum

42. Chicken or steak? Gotta go with steak

43. Noodles or rice? I like rice more, but pasta is always nice too!

44. Cold or Hot? Juuuuuuust right!

45. Chunky or smooth peanut butter? Smooooooth

46. Showers at night or in the morning? Depends--usually morning

47. Showers or baths? Baths to relax, showers in a rush

48. Plane or road trip? I adore road trips, and I like to fly too!

49. What is your favorite pizza topping? Bacon!

50. What is your favorite alcoholic drink? Well....the one time I drank it was Smirnoff Ice and that was yummy

51. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? Livin' in a city with a good job, surrounded by the people I love--hopefully

52. What is your dream job? Ruler of the MTV universe!!!!

53. What is your dream wedding? Under the star, really intimate, maybe a medieval theme...

54. Where is your dream honeymoon?lounging on the beach for like a month

55. What is your dream car? A Viper would be niiiice

56. How many kids do you want? NONE!

57. Do you want pets? I want some kind of doggy

58. What is on your mind right now? That I'm hungry and that Bob better get his ass over here PRONTO

59. Who do you think is MOST likely to respond to this? N/A

60. Who do you think is LEAST likely to respond to this? N/A

61. Roller Coaster -- Scary or Exciting? Both

62.Chocolate or vanilla: mmmm...chocolate!

63. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Just my soft penguin!

64. What was your first car? 1988 Pontiac Grand Am--Lancelot (RIP) *tear*

65. If you could meet one person dead or alive, who would it be? I'd love to meet Jackie O

66. Do you eat the stems of broccoli?

67. What would be the worst job you could have? Oh lord--that damn bussing job in 9th grade SUCKED

68. If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be? Bright red--oh yeah, I've done that already! *grin*

69. Ever been in Love? Not yet!

70. Is the glass half empty or half full? ALWAYS half full

71. Are you a lefty or a righty? Righty

72. Favorite type of Dance Music? Pop music is the best for me to get my groove on

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