Ring-a-ding-don't [ March 01, 2006, 11:15 pm ]

I was going to write a cute, funny update entry about my life. But then Joe messaged me to inform me that he hasn't been able to get through on my phone for two days. And why? Because my service has been disconnected FOR THE THIRD TIME IN TWO WEEKS.

Seething? Oh yes I am.

I spent an hour on the phone with customer service. And financial services. And technical support. And customer service again to get this steaming mess cleared up. They swore that it was.

I am so pissed. Too pissed to be creative or use big words.

I want to call somebody to vent. BUT I CAN'T. Because my service has been temporarily DISCONNECTED. How I loathe irony. Why am I its bitch?

At least this explains why my phone hasn't rung in a day and a half. I thought nobody loved me. Turns out that instead AllTel is a soul-sucking demon of a phone company instead.

Ciao, dahling!


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