Looking Very Makey-Outy Tonight [ December 31, 2006, 5:40 pm ]

The most frustrating part of being a self-proclaimed self-improvement queen (aside from the fact that my budget is never big enough to buy every self-help book that Barnes and Noble carries) is when I come to a point like this.

"This" meaning that try as I might, I just can't come up with any resolutions.

None! Nada! Niet!


Ok, so in all reality everytime I check my online bank statements I roll my eyes and say that I'm going to budget better and actually, uh, balance my checkbook. So really I have one resolution: to utlize/balance my checkbook.

And then of course there's always my promise to be the best friend and/or family member that I can be. Because self-absorption is bad. And because I hate those kinds of people and I don't really want to hate myself. Thus, being a good friend is a good promise to make for 2007.

But other than that? I got nothing. I blame all of the making out I've been doing lately. Not that I'm complaining. Because--hi! Making out! With a way cute boy! Heee!

Maybe my resolution for the new year will be to make out as much as humanly possible.

I may be onto something there...

Ciao, dahling! And happy new year, too! May 2007 be filled with much joy and love champagne wishes all around! Mwah!


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