Ramble Ramble [ November 12, 2003, 12:12 am ]

I'm tired. It's just after midnight and I'm ready for bed. God, I'm an old woman. Gaaah.

(Note: since I'm really really tired, this will be the most random entry EVER.)

I went to a poetry slam tonight. I am so inspired right now. The guys who performed all totally blew me away. I wish I could write as eloquently as them. They're total artists who performed with emotion and conviction. It was amazing. And they signed my poster so I'm pumped about that. Lalalala.

I'd say more about it, but I'm PMS-ing and I can't think straight when I'm in this "condition." Plus Crank Yankers is on, so I'm highly distracted to boot.

Go me.

Oww. I just sneezed. Now my chest really really hurts.

God-dammit. So like half my hall has mono. This fact doesn't impress me at all. If I get sick now--especially with Mono I'll be a force to reckon with. Cuz I can't get Mono, it just doesn't fit into my schedule. Especially with my Detroit Thanksgiving trip (and John Mayer concert!!!) coming up. Yeah, no I can't get Mono. A cold, yes. Mono--noooo.

I think that I'm actually getting over a cold. Cuz I'm starving. Really really hungry. And I'm never hungry. It's crazy. I've eaten 4 meals today. FOUR. Most days I eat like....two at the most. So I think I'm getting over getting sick. Except for the whole crampiness/bloatiness/bitchiness thang right now.

Grr to PMS. This truly makes me think that God is a cruel cruel man playing a cruel cruel joke on us woman.

I love Crank Yankers. It's so twisted. And so genius. And to think I used to hate this show.

Damn, I'm really rambling tonight.

So it's truly back to the drawing board with guys. I've lost all hope with Mr. Bartender. Two weeks and no phone call. No hope. *sigh* All is well.

It turns out that Joe wasn't talking to him last night. Thank GOD. I really thought he had. I'd rather him not call me than have him call me out of pity. Pity calls suck. I want a guy to call cuz I've dazzled him, not because someone's pleaded him to call me. Call me crazy but I want to go out with guys that actually like me.

Now if only there was one of those in the world.

Who isn't gay I mean. (Hmmm....speaking of which--a certain friend just called. At least someone's gettin' some ass.)

Got I hate being emotional.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go take Midol and go to sleep. Mmmmm...sleep.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: commercials

Crush du Jour: Bam Margera

Happy Thought of the Moment: slam poets, down-to-earth people, calls after sex (thanks, guys), pink blankies, cute sweaters, nice fall weather, easy class periods, Midol, davidandgoliathtees.com, venting, HAC shirts soon, sleepy time

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