ANOTHER Freak-Out [ February 18, 2003, 5:56 pm ]

OK, so I'm officially freaking OUT. A lot. And I shouldn't be. But I am. I'm massively stressed again, which is totally par for the course, but now I have something else to freak out about.

I've applied for a job here on campus over the summer. It'd be PERFECT, absolutely perfect, because it includes room and board and all that shiznit. I turned in the app a week and a half ago and they're allegedly doing interviews now for the positions. Have I gotten a phone call yet for an interview? Noooo.

I'm freaked out AND pissed. Gaah. I just want to stay here over the summer. Is that so much to ask? It really shouldn't be. Grr grr GRRR.

That's my little vent of the moment. I have to go and prepare for my workshop. It's in an hour and a half--and about how to prepare a good solid resume. I think I've seen every resume site on the internet researching this presentation. Now I have to outline what I'm going to say and finish up the handout. Wish me luck!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "On a RoofTop" by Mariah Carey (Loooove the Butterfly cd)

Crush du Jour: nobody really comes to mind at the moment

Happy Thought of the Moment: my poster came in (yaaaay!), SLFP, Jade Blocks, cute eye makeup, being hopeful, Mariah's Butterfly cd, cute shoes, SNL, videos on MTV, NyQuil, having intellectual thought-provoking conversations, guys in ski caps (they just look cute in my opinion)

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