Narnianic Lessons [ December 14, 2005, 12:38 am ]

Things I learned after watching The Chronicles of Narnia tonight...

* if there is EVER any chance that you think that I may cry, you better warn me. Otherwise I'll end up wearing non-waterproof mascara. And non-waterproof mascara when I cry? It burns the eyes. Oww.
* in movies that feature a major character that is a lion and he/she is royalty, I'll immediately think of The Lion King. I'll then make references back to it throughout the rest of the movie we're watching. I almost burst out into "The Circle of Life" at one point. I settled for going "MufasaMufasaMufasa!!!" over and over to Katie's chagrin and entertainment.
* I said it when I was five and I'll say it as a nearly-twenty-five year old: I want a unicorn. They're pretty.
* The evil side is always more stylish. We've seen it time and again throughout fairy tales and childhood books and movies and it still rings true. Aslan lived in a tent; the White Witch lived in an ice palace. Aslan had a mane; the White Witch had designer gowns and funky hair and makeup. Aslan walked everywhere while the White Witch traveled in a sleigh manned by reindeer and then later in a chariot driven by polar bears. While it's good and fine to be pure and good and righteous, I think it'd be more fun to be evil. If life were a fairy tale, I'd probably be on the wicked side...if only to be in vogue.
* I'm five. Or twelve. Either way this was evidenced when the girls were climbing on Aslan's back. I started snickering as I said "heheheeee!! They're riding Aslan!"
* Boo, you whore!!! is an excellent thing to say at many key points throughout the film.
* I like when I'm pleasantly surprised by movies. I didn't really want to see this, but Katie and Amanda were psyched. I'm glad I went along. Very glad. It's a DVD-owning-worthy movie. I like when I'm surprised and my mind can be changed. It's good to know that that can still happen.

Ciao, dahling!


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