A musical evening...lalalaaaa [ April 27, 2002, 10:44 pm ]

Craziness abounds here in my world. A friend is mad at me I think and I don't really know why. She knows who she is--hon, I'm sorry, I apologize. Be happy cuz I love ya!

Right now "My Best Friends Wedding" is on. This movie is fabulous-o. My favorite scene? The one where the entire cast sings "I say a little Prayer." It kicks ass. I swear--George and Jules are me and Joe in 10 years or so...I'm positive. Except that I would never try to break up my best friend's wedding. That's just wrong and cruel.

Oh here's how much of a dork I am. The top 2 floors of VA were cut off from the internet today. All day. I was going beserk. It was baaaaaad. REally really bad. I didn't realize how addicted to AIM I am until I couldn't use it all day. Bad bad bad. I am totally codependent on it. That is horrible. How am I supposed to function over the summer? Argh!!! On the positive side that should've been the push I needed to actually study for my finals. But did it? Nope not at all. I lounged around all day. In my jammies. I didn't start to function until 4 this afternoon. Actually that's not completely bad considering I didn't wake up till 1. But still....

Yes so I should really begin to study. Since I have a big psych final on Monday at 10 am. Ugh. That is not going to be fun. But I'm determined to go to the study session tomorrow afternoon. Roomie said that all the answers are given there. Gooooood. Very good. hehehe

I think that I should make another top 10 list. I just don't know what I should make it of. Movies? Movie scenes? Actors or actresses? I just don't know. Ooohhh! I know. I've been inspired. I've been inspired by the Pirates of Penzance, which I saw tonight. I'm going to make a top 10 list of my favorite musicals. Here it is folks:

***Krissy's Top 10 Favorite Musicals***

10. Phantom of the Opera: This would be a lot higher on my list if I would have actually seen it onstage. But I haven't. I highly love the soundtrack though. It is so magnificent. Just gorgeous. FYI: they better start making that damn movie soon. And Antonio Banderas had better be the Phantom. He'd make the best onscreen actress--no questions asked.

09. Fiddler on the Roof: "Traditiiiiiiiiiooooooooon!!! TRADITION!" This is such a great movie. I just love it. It'd be higher on my list, but I like a lot of different musicals.

08. Annie: I have so many memories of this musical. It's one of the first ones that I ever saw. Miss Hannigan is one of the best villians ever. Especially when played by the fabulous Carol Burnett.

07. SpiceWORLD!!! So shoot me. I would say that this is one of my guilty pleasures, but I don't feel guilty watching it. I adore this movie greatly. It's cheesy, it's funny, it has fun poppy-music. I consider it a musical cuz they sing a lot. hehehehehe. Another Em and Me staple. The scary part? We can quote the ENTIRE movie word-for-word. One word: MILAN! ::evil laugh::

06. Grease: What is not to love about this? I was in heaven when it was re-released in theatres. Em and I sang along with the entire thing. It is just so much fun. I've been watching this movie since the 2nd grade. Lotsa fun!

05. The Sound of Music: Julie Andrews is a complete goddess in her own right. I know all the words, all the songs, all the scenes. I have loved this movie forever. "The hills are alive..."

04. Chicago: So I've never seen this, but I've worn my copy of the soundtrack out. Cander and Ebb are GENIUSES. It's a great story with gorgeous music and vocals. Nothing can beat "Cell Block Tango," baby. =)

03. Evita: The movie, that is. I thought that there'd be talking in it, but nope I figured out pretty quickly that it was an opera--a rock opera mind you. I absolutely adore Madonna, she is a goddess. And she did an absolutely stunning job in this movie. And Antonio Banderas has the most beautiful voice. Mmmmm... ::droooool::

02. Cabaret: I saw a performance of this in Chicago at a dinner theatre. It was interrupted by the threat of a hurrican. But it didn't deter me from loving the play nonetheless. I love everything about the play: the characters, the sets, the players, the music, the lyrics, the undertones, the overtones, all the ways to interpret the stories. Cander and Ebb outdid themselves here. Amazing. Simply amazing. And I would sell my soul if I could've seen Alan Cummings as the EmCee--the character is so multi-faceted and Cummings is one of the most underrated actors of this past decade.

01. Moulin Rouge: I've raved about this on my profile, but I cannot help it. Like Cabaret, I love everything about this movie. The actors sacrificed so much to make this movie work...and look how well it turned out. So amazing. Nicole Kidman--who knew she had such a stunning voice. She's completely versatile. And Ewan McGregor--WOW. I am in LOOOOVE with him.

OK, 01 and 02 are a tie. I don't think I can really compare the two since they are different mediums. True, Cabaret was a movie, but I didn't like it very much because they focused on the politics too much and cut out all of the good songs. They are both stunning and amazing and marvelous in their own ways and I'll love them both forever.

There ya have it. My favorite musicals. I am going to go and pig out now cuz it's Saturday night and I'm hungry. Plus SNL's on soon. Hehehehe. Ciao dahling!


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