Mo' Money, Mo' Problems [ June 05, 2004, 8:21 pm ]

So I have a credit card. A platinum shiny pretty credit card with a $2,500 spending limit.


No good can come from this.

I applied for credit cards because I figured that I needed to establish credit. And because of the road trips--it's good to have a credit card just in case we get stranded or whatnot. You never know with my car, really. So I got a platinum card. I didn't think I'd get such a card or such a high limit. Hell, I would have been happy with a freakin' $300 limit. So long as I had something to go off of. So yes, shiny card of happiness for emergencies.

Except that I've had it in my possession for like 3 days and visions of online shopping are dancing through my head. Not. Good. Plus I still need to get the tickets for the BareNaked Ladies/Alanis concert, so those may just go on the card. Gaah.

What sucks is that because I needed to replace the battery in Rexy and stuff, my entire paycheck is basically gone. I hate it. I still need to get groceries and pay the celly bill. Humph. I'm not a happy girl. And granted, I bought some clothes today but they were needed. My jeans drawer was dwindling (note to self: start working out ASAP) and I needed some more professional-looking clothes for the office (read: shirts that don't have snarky sayings or cute cartoons on them). Double humph. Thank god I have a savings account. That's all I can say right now.

It's just frustrating. I think I was born without the saving-gene. And hi--I have trips coming up. Not just the road trips, but the New York City trip and the (fingers crossed) cruise with my mom after graduation. And really, I need to save because of job uncertainty. I'm just so frustrated with myself because I can't save. Because of shiny things. Because of car problems. Because I don't have the foresight to put money away for the few bills I have.

I'm worse than a spoiled Manhatten girl. I really am. I may have been born with a platinum spoon in my mouth with the way I act with money. Dammit.

I hate it. Someone please slap me.

It's going to change. I've said it before, but I mean it: no more eating out, no more unnecessary purchases (clothes included), no more movies....ok, so maybe not that last one. I adore going to the movies with my friends. The standing opening-night tradition we have going on is so fabulous. It's like we're a gang. A gang that adores movies and yummy buttery popcorn. We're so awesome.

But yeah--no. more. spending. This includes the road trips. I can indulge there a little more than I will here, but NOT MUCH. I'm counting on all my friends to beat this new idea into me. The way they've beat the no-fast-food rule into me. (Thanks for that, you guys. Never again will the thought of McD's cross my mind. Especially after Emily's hour-long vendetta/tyrade on the evils of McDonalds "meat." Haha.)

Alright I'm done bitching. I feel better. I'll feel even better once this whole new plan goes into effect and I see the fruits of my monetary drought. Woohoo!

I'm shutting up now.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Send Your Love" by Sting

Crush du Jour: Harrison Ford, Daniel Radcliffe, Sean Biggerstaff, the kid who plays Draco

Happy Thought of the Moment: fountain dancing, barbecues (three in a week--how sweet is my life?), talking to mom, cold water, cute kitties, rainy days, good novels, 90s music, easy desk shifts, Prisoner of Azkaban, a totally free day tomorrow, SNL, Jimmy Fallon, cute pictures, wireless that works, summery days, fun sunglasses, new scrapbooking stuff, ice cream, shiny credit cards

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