Losing Myself.... [ November 08, 2002, 7:40 pm ]

OK, so I was just reading Katy's diary entry from this morning. My god, this girl has NO self-esteem.

I don't get it. Most of you who know me know Pookie or have at least seen a picture of her--she's not ugly in the least bit. K, so her eyes are a little buggy...JUST KIDDING! My little sister is sooo pretty. So I don't know where she gets off saying she's ugly. Cuz she's so not. And she's tall. And she has boobs. (And we've all heard my vents about my chest so I'll just shut up for the time being.) And she's quite the skinny little be-yotch.

What is fucking wrong with her?!? She's sooo not any of the things that she was calling herself. Grr grr grr

I used to joke that she looks like J.Lo and I look like Jello. Yeah...

I don't understand this whole no self-confidence thang.

I think it's sad. Tragic kind of. Katy, honey, you're sooo all that and any guy that doesn't realize that is a complete douche-bag. Really.

Besides--she's my sister, she's gotta be great, if just for that reason! ;)

This topic is depressing. Grr. Moving on....

I LOVE E! tv. Yay yay yay! They've picked up all of the SNL's from last year and I think maybe even the year before. At any rate....I'm gettin' a whoooole lot of Jimmy goodness. It's fabulous. And they air the entire portion of Weekend Update. E! is fabulous! Yay yay yay--thank you soo much to the executives for picking up SNL.

I am such a dork.

Oooh-oohhh! The project is nearly done! Hurrah! I'm quite excited. THe SLFP project is nearly done. Shannon and I wrote up a lot of the report this afternoon. It took almost two hours. BUT we have at least 8 pages, and we have more to add. Sweet! We're going to be just fine. Thank God.

Update on the crush front(now that I'm thinking of Gods...): Yeah, there is no update. Which is fine. A lot of people are thinking that I'm crazy for not telling him how I feel or asking him out or whatever. Umm....nothankyou. I'm perfectly content in my crushing stage right now. He's hot. He's a SEX GOD. And he's nice. But do I have any time for a guy right now? Probably not.

K, so that's not it entirely. We all know that I hate rejection. I looooathe rejection. It sucks. I used to put my heart on the line a lot in high school. And it always got stomped on. So now I don't do that any more. Cuz I really don't like my heart getting stomped on. Not a good feeling.

Granted, college is a hell of a lot different from high school, but still. That isn't enough incentive for me to put myself out there. I'll flirt and allude...and that's about it. At least for right now.

And you can call me a hypocrite if you want. I don't care. I know that I'm always saying to live in the moment and to never have to ask what if. And if I don't put myself out there I'm NOT living in the moment. And I probably will ask "what if" down the road. But for right now, I'm content. I have a great job, awesome friends, I'm doing well in school (hopefully), and I love where I am and who I am. I'm comfortable with the way things are. (And I KNOW you're gonna argue that things could potentially be better if I made a move on SG. Blah blah) Besides--I'm too busy right now as it is! If you can figure out where I'd fit a boyfriend or whatever..a date even...into my schedule THEN maybe I'll do something.


K, this is really sad. I am doomed to order take-out for eternity. I am not a homemaker. My microwave has even deserted me. I tried to heat up a s'more bar thingy in my microwave. Yeah....Either my mic is really really powerful or I have no concept of how long to heat things up for. Or maybe it's a comination of both. Anyway...So yeah, that totally went up in smoke. Literally. I swear that I set it for under a minute. But noooo. I open the door and get a faceful of charry, thick, gray smoke. Oops. My bad. And it smelt sooo bad. It still kinda smells nasty, and this is two hours later. My really bad. No s'more bar for Krissy. =/ I am sooo destined to hire a chef or cook for me. Argh.

Aight, I should jet. I'm attempting to get ready to go to the movies with Sierra. Hurrah! Quality girly time! Always nice. We're gonna go and oggle Eminem. Hehehehe. I'm sure there will be a review of the movie after I return. It's gotten really really good reviews from like every critic so far. It's pretty amazing. I wonder if Em can actually act. I think it'll be funny if he can't--I mean, cripe, this looks like his life story so far. If he can't act in THIS that's really sad. :P

Anyways...I'm outtie!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To:"Jenny from the Block" by J.Lo--I adore this song, it's too fun

Crush du Jour:Stephen Jenkins from 3rd Eye Blind and Jimmy Fallon...and SG

Happy Thought of the Moment:SLFP project nearly done and over with, beginning my other project, makeshift corn-rows, looking hottt, my black cowl-necked sweater, having cash, movie nights, buff Eminem, loads of Coca Cola Classic, funny away messages, potential discounts, happy guestbook entries, new episodes of the Proud Family, E! (just for SNL--eeee!), Harry Potter out in ONE SHORT WEEK, dancing, Thanksgiving break hopes, Den food, girly talks, seeing lots of friends in one place, meeting CUTE guys (hehehe!), new magazines, spreading happiness, Jimmy Fallon, new SNL tomorrow (yay!), weekend plans, being motivated, Sex God, crushing HARD

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