Lobby Broadcast [ January 13, 2005, 2:56 pm ]

I'm totally stealing this idea from Julie. She posted random pix for her latest entry; I wanna, too!

Plus, I am really fuckin' bored at work right now. And I have three more hours today. The desk is boring when people aren't back yet, yo. So I present to you....

Bits from the Lobby

I'm all psyched because my hair did something cute without me having to tango with the curling iron for half an hour. Yes, it looks mussed, but I did that for artistic value. Yay for cute, clean hair!

This is what I stare at for hours on end as I work. Usually there's pool sharks playing for hours on end or people making out on the couches. But right now nobody's back from vacay yet. This gives me permission to blare my music as loud as I like.....

Rent is love. I'm so addicted to the soundtrack. I blared it last night and now it's on it's second rotation in less than 24 hours in the lobby. What rules is that nobody can complain about the content or the fact that there are expletive words (like maybe, um, "fuck") is in it like two dozen times because nobody's really listening to it except me and the RAs--and they like it.

The biggest news yet this year is the fact that the desk is beginning to look un-ghetto-fied. They painted! And put faux marble contact paper on the counter! Believe me, it looks a LOT better now than it did before.

I could NOT get a decent picture of my new bling for the life of me. But this is it--my ruby/diamond ring. I swear I gaze at it a dozen times a day. I should never be given sparkly objects....

In an effort to prepare for London and tea at the Savoy, I've invested in tea and I'm now trying to drink a cup a day sans sugar. Except that this Irish Morning stuff isn't exactly beginner's tea. Gaah. Who says I need to not drink tea with milk and sugar at first? It'll be a gradual process.

I should do work. HAHAHA!

Ciao, dahling!


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