This Karaoke Queen Sound Off [ February 22, 2006, 12:40 am ]

After being at the bar last night, I've compiled a list of things that I can do without...

1.) country music. Barring a few catchy songs, if I never heard another twangy, whiny, folksy song again, I'd be one happy girl.

2.) seeing people being felt up. I'm not just talking about seeing a girl get her ass slapped or a couple sharing a quick smooch. There was a couple at the bar last night and the guy was massaging the girl's breasts for the duration of more than one or two songs. It was sick. Save that shit for at home, people.

3.) creepy old guys that leer at young girls. We do not look cute for you. We are actually creeped out by you so stop looking in our direction, thanks.

4.) ignorant comments. If I hear one more person describe something as "gay" that person shall be losing either a testicle or a tit. I realize that we live in the UP and stereotypes still run rampant, but it is 2006. Either bite your tongue or run the risk of my wrath. Your pick.

5.) girls who try to be overly sexual. There's one in particular that sings "I Touch Myself" and makes more sex noises than a porn star in an orgy. It's disturbing and made even moreso by the fact that she looks and sounds like she's about twelve years old. There should be a law against it. I want to take off my boot and hurl it at her face every time she sings that damn song.

Can we tell that I'm feeling a bit feisty?

Ciao, dahling!


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