A Brief Word [ July 26, 2009, 1:29 am ]

A quick update, for those of you clinging to my every word on here (all three of you):

I made it to Minnesota safely. It took a rental SUV, two trips with two different routes and about 2600 miles by the time the move was complete and far too many hours driving to get all my shit to my new place, but I made it here safely, thanks to a fabulous friend, my iPod and lots of caffeine.

And? My new apartment rooooocks. For those of you who thought my MSU pad was fabulous, that was nothing compared to my two-bedroom/1 friggen' huge bath with dining area, counter/island, kitchen area and washer and dryer. Squeeee! I can literally run up and down the hall of my apartment if I wanted to. It's awesome!

That's about it for now. It may be the weekend but my brain is still recovering from my first week of training. But it's going well and I really like my new department and school. So happiness all around!

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