It Sure is Hot in Call-hell [ August 18, 2005, 3:38 pm ]

I should be vacuuming. Or cleaning. Or doing dishes. But really--does any of that sound like fun? Uh, no.

Instead I sit here, awash in nervousness. This charming feeling, ladies and gentlemen, is what I refer to as Call-Hell.

Everyone has been in this position at one point or another. Where one waits anxiously for a phone call. Usually it pertains to one's love life--more often than not it occurs after a boy says "I'll call you" and then the girl waits and waits and waits for the call. When the phone rings, the person waiting jumps ten feet in the air, the heart starts pounding, the palms get sweaty. Essentially, a person turns into a giant pile of nerves, all edgey and twitchy-like. That, my friends, is Call-Hell.

And it is what I am in right now. Except I wish it was over something as miniscule as a boy. Instead, I find myself fretting over a phone call about the job I interviewed for. I know, I know, I KNOW that they said they wouldn't get back to me until Friday of this week. But part of me hoped they'd be all quick-like and put me out of my misery sooner than that. Nope. And the closer Friday looms, the edgier and more bitch-like I get.

At this point, I'm putting on the negative front. The There-is-no-way-I'm-going-to-get-this-job front. Yes, I was in the top 6 for the position. But the odds are stacked against me--I'm more likely to get an "I'm sorry" call than a "congratulations" call.

I'm just trying to be realistic.

Honestly, at this point, I don't know which I want more. I want to be employed and have a good job. I would LOVE to move downstate; it'd be a brand new shiny adventure for me. But I'd be leaving my friends and family. And ugh--I'd have to pack and move. And that's a pain in the patootie.

I keep going back and forth. I honestly don't know what I want right now. I don't want to set myself up for disappointment. All I can guarantee at this point is that either way it goes...I'm going to cry.

Ciao, dahling!


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