Miss Graceful Definitely Reigns Supreme [ November 23, 2002, 2:15 am ]

This is gonna be a quick entry. Hopefully....

My day's been interesting. Yeah. For sure. :P

I ran around Marquette attempting to get prizes for my HAC raffle for the end of the year. I'm really surprised about how fast this has come about. Yeah...the end of the freakin semester is here already! AHHHHH! Freaking out a bit. But it'll be ok because most of the businesses were really nice and donated stuff. Hurrah! *grin*

Then I got home and got to chill for like 3.2 minutes before I ran off with Christy and Todd. We had a little adventure at the Yooper Tourist Trap. If you're in the UP and have never been there, go, because it's good cheesy fun. We ran around the shop for a good half an hour then had a photo shoot outside. We got some quality photos. Hehe Ask to see them after I get 'em developed.

THe funniest thing that happened when we were there? Yeah...me--Miss Graceful--definitely reigns supreme over the entire UP now. We were having a snowball fight. I was already freezing so I didn't want to get any colder. I decided I wanted to be sneaky, so I snuck past one of the assasins deftly and quickly--like a wildcat.

Right. As I'm attempting to be sneaky I neglected to see the sheet of ice under my feet. In less than a second I went from gleefully darting snowballs to landing on my ass moaning about aching. (Especially my boobs--they HURT sooo freakin' bad for some odd reason.) It was really funny. As I was falling I was already laughing.

Thank God I have a good sense of humor. Or is it a dumb sense of humor??


Tonight was boring. No offense to my girls, but it was until we went off-campus. Then it got interesting. That was only cuz Matt and Forest are like a college-age drunken odd couple.

Before that though, we were sooo bored. I had planned on studying and researching at the library but it looked closed so I didn't even attempt to trek up Jamrich Hill--it was damn cold! So I hung out with Christy and Hannah. It felt so good to just chill with them but there was absolutely NOTHING to do. And we did nothing for like 2 hours. We sat there and argued about music and bitched about being bored. Seriously. It was really funny.

The whole time I was there with them--don't get me wrong, I enjoy and love my girls...but I couldn't stop thinking about my little crush.

Ha--it ain't so little anymore. In fact, I'm thinking it's pretty massive. Which I have no problem with because I enjoy crushing. But it's beginning to consume me I think. That may not be so good. I do'nt want to be one of those girls that only talks about the guy she likes. It's sooo freaking annoying. If I ever end up like that, somebody please slug me.

I just really hope that he likes me back. For some reason I think he might but I don't know. I suck so bad at reading signals.

All I know is that I really like him. Really really really like him. And I like this feeling. Eeee!

I guess we'll just have to see what happens.

One good thing came out of tonight: I FINALLY got a massage. My fabulous resident gave me a deep back and shoulder massage for nearly half an hour. It was sheer bliss. Mmmmm. I sooo needed that.

K, bed time for moi.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Sister Sister on Disney Channel--it's so cheesy that it's funny. Don't laugh!

Crush du Jour: Hmmm....let me think....DUH (see above entry if you're that clueless)

Happy Thought of the Moment: massive crush, root beer, naked mole rats, interesting emails, the gift gods blessing me, glorious massages, getting a Lilo and Stitch pin (!!!Hurrah!!!), getting stuff done, dinner with friends, staff shirts, new hoodies, deep naps, The Simpsons, Forest Gump, hanging out with my girls, happy IM's

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