Lofty Goals [ October 06, 2010, 1:08 am ]

I swear I'm not dead. And neither is my blog. I'm absolutely awful at updating and writing when life gets chaotic. And life has been a whirl of chaos since my birthday because of the tendency of my job. And my job is my life in a lot of ways.

But this is not the venue to discuss that, so instead I present you with a few goals for this weekend because this girl is taking Thursday and Friday off. Woohoo!

Goals for this Long Weekend:
1.) Update this with a real entry
2.) Restart The Artist's Way since I put it on pause when things got super-chaotic in August
3.) Write and send a letter to my mom
4.) Clean my fridge--it smells. Bad.
5.) Craft! I must! My soul! It cries for crafty time!
6.) Either watch the two discs of True Blood that have been sitting in Netflix envelopes on my tv for the past 7 weeks or send the damn things back. Seriously.

To be completely realistic, I'll be happy if I accomplish three of these things. Really my top goal should be "spend most of one or two days in bed" because that is seriously top priority. This girl is tired! But happy. Very very happy. More on that later. In the entry I'm bound to write sooner or later. Hopefully sooner since it is a goal, after all.

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