Everything is Rent [ December 01, 2006, 7:44 pm ]

Yay! And yay again!! I'm not going to be homeless! I have an apartment! And! I don't have to move! Or anything! And rent doesn't go up!

I'm not going to be like Mark or Roger or MiMi! I can still be bohemian in other ways but not in the way that involves homelessness!

Seriously? You have NO idea how relieved I am. After a long week of stress and crying and cursing and packing and praying and not knowing what the hell was going on with the apartment and then getting denied and then bad news and then good news but then more bad news but then really really REALLY good news? I'm exhausted.

But relieved. For I stay in the Apartment of Awesomeness with Becks. With no increase in rent! Because there is a God.

And sometime soon? I will actually write an actual, not-so-emotional, more coherent entry. But for now this will do. Because I'm not homeless! And I'm not going to be too broke! WHEEEE!!!

Now--who wants to celebrate?

Ciao, dahling!


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