Notes [ March 24, 2008, 1:34 am ]

Note to self and all other non-domestic divas: Six pounds of ham is FAR TOO MUCH for two people to eat.

Another note (this one is to everyone): I didn't buy the ham. The Boy did. So there is no way I can be blamed for the mound of leftover ham that is now gelling in the fridge. And there is no way I can be blamed if any of said ham gets wasted.

Note to self #2: get a llama so I can feed it the leftover ham and shout "TINA! Come get some HAM! HAM!! That would be hilarious!

Note to non-domestic divas #2: I found an easy honey glaze that is perfect for hams of all sizes (just don't get a six-pounder if there's a dinner for two in your future). It is delicious! I can glaze! There is hope!

Note to self #3: Watch Napoleon Dynamite sometime soon.

Ciao, dahling!

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