It's Not A Place for Walls [ June 13, 2007, 6:55 pm ]

Dear Walmart,

I don't hate you anymore. I will not call you "The Seventh Circle of Hell" anymore. (That title can be reserved for Meijer, which I still hate with a white-hot passion.) I don't think you're a trashy store anymore. At least the one near my apartment I don't think is, at least. My perception of you, Walmart, has changed.

I now love you.

As much as I hate to admit this, my boyfriend is right. You do have good prices. But! More important than that! You have cute stuff! Really really really cute stuff!! Without you I would not have found the gorgeous black and white canvas photograph that will soon adorn my new place. Or all of the other super-cute stuff that I want for my new place!

When did you change? And why wasn' I aware of this before now?!?

Those questions don't really matter, Walmart. What matters is that I've done a 180 degree opinion turn. No longer are you home to mulleted men and whiny children. still may be. However, I can tolerate them so long as you hold cute things for me to stare at on my lunch hour. You complete me my shopping needs.

Love, Krissy

PS: The By and I celebrated our six-month anniversary yesterday! Six months! Wheeee! And here's to many many many more than that! God I love that boy!

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