Clearly I Chose the Right Path at NMU [ September 07, 2008, 11:34 pm ]

Proof that my communications degree is working very well in my favor...

- At my birthday celebration I didn't receive a free birthday dessert. The manager was called over because we wanted to praise our rockin' waitress and I decided to address my no-happy-dessert problem. Ever so eloquently I looked him in the eye and spouted "what the fuck, dude?!?" much to the chagrin of my friends.

- While driving back from the UP last weekend my friend and I stopped at a coffee chain to get caffeinated. I excitedly ordered my favorite only to be told that they don't make those anymore. To which I replied "boo, you whore" and began whimpering because really? What was I going to do without a coconut italian soda?!?

- I got just a little blitzed last weekend when visiting my hometown. So much so that every conversation I had went something like this...

Person A: Hi!
Me: Hi, I'm really drunk right now. I'm sorry.
Person A: Uh, that's ok.
Me: No! I'm really REALLY drunk.

Person B: Hey cutie!

Friend: Oh my God I am so drunk right now.
Me: I'm so drunk right now too!
Friend: So drunk!
Me: Drunky drunk drunk!

And yet? I managed to charm a very nice man who turned out to be very sweet. And a rather good kisser. So I must be doing something right, no?

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