Adventures in Churching [ August 07, 2005, 1:57 pm ]

After Friday's little binge (which I promise to write about later), I felt the need to, uh, repent of my sins. So I went to church.

Yes. I, Krissy--Queen of all things vulgar--went to church today.

And it didn't burn down. And as far as I know, the world hasn't gone to hell via a wicker basket from Pier 1.


Honestly, I've been wanting to go for a while. Em goes every week like a good girl (she is such a good girl, which is amazing considering that she's best friends with me) so I went with her today.

It was good. It was long. Really long.

Normally I have the attention span of a gnat. Today? I had the attention of a gnat with ADHD. I couldn't help it! I'm on my period. I lose patience with everything when I'm on the rag.

Things I discovered while at church:

- some kids really know how to pound the grape juice. During the communion, there were a couple of kids that literally shot the grape juice. Like, better than I can shoot Jaeger. Give these kids 8 to 10 years and they'll be quite popular around the kegstand.

- I? Am Jezebel. Or a Jezebel. I am cloaked in sin! I curse! I flirt! I think un-pure thoughts! Do we know what happened to Jezebel? She got thrown out a window, trampeled and then eaten by dogs. Ack!

- I suck at drawing. (I'm sure Jezebel did, too, since she was more concerned with flirting and cursing and such.) My ADD kicked in hard-core ten minutes into the service and I tried to draw on my program. Ask to see the results.

To recap? I am an un-artistic Jezebel who can't take my grape juice as well as ten-year-olds. Church is so fun.

Ciao, dahling!


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