Breakfast of Champions [ June 20, 2005, 9:30 am ]

Um, ugh. Really--ugh. Monday morning. I roll out of bed, all excited to greet the dawn. Do my hair and makeup. Look all cute-like. Purposely woke up earlier than usual because I wanted to make pancakes. What's a better way to start a work-week than pancakes? Except that I don't have any milk to make the batter.


I knew I should have run to Wal-Mart yesterday instead of lounging around doing, uh, nothing.

Really, though--what else are Sundays for? Cleaning? Yeah right. Work? No exactly. Sunday is my me-day. And I spent the first three hours watching corny television. And then the next two hours scrapbooking while watching corny television. Sundays are great.

Yesterday, though, I think I discovered something disturbing. I am going bald.

Swear to God.

I took a shower and so much hair came out while I was lathering, rinsing and repeating that I felt like a before spot for a Rogaine commercial. I don't know what I could be doing because it's no different than what I was doing before. I mean diet-wise or whatever. Whatever it is, it better stop. I don't wannabe a 23-year-old baldie.

Other than that, my weekend was fairly uneventful. I spent the majority of it with Dinkel and Katie. We're officially partners in crime after Friday night Flanigans antics, in which they both got really freakin' drunk off of two (two!) drinks thanks to the cute bartender. You know Katie's drunk when she's bobbing up and down shouting "let's put more songs in!!!!" It's moments like that where it's fabulous to be the DD.

I find it ironic, though, that the moment I decide to take a break from drinking is the moment that people's generosity begins to shine. Wednesday night I could have pounded all the Alabama Slammers and cheap beer I wanted and not paid a dime. And Friday a guy commanded that he was going to buy us a round because we were the only people "singing fun songs." Make mine a coke, thanks.

I guess I should feel flattered/thankful that people were willing to share the love. Truthfully, though, I was annoyed. It's like the concept where the minute you have a date or a boyfriend is the moment when guy-kind grows brains and starts finding you irresistable.

Except, I'm still waiting for that kind of moment to me. Who knows, though. Maybe today will be that day. The universe owes me since I wasn't able to enjoy pancakes.

Ciao, dahling!


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