For My Entertainment [ November 07, 2010, 5:08 pm ]

I'm convinced that life becomes infinitely more interesting when there are men involved in it. If you're not convinced, here are just a few examples, brought to you by The Boy (aka my boyfriend):

- he loves Tonic Water. LOVES IT. I bought him a bottle last week and told him to open the fridge to see his surprise. When he opened the door he gasped, grabbed the bottle and hugged it harder than he's ever hugged me. He then proceeded to lovingly pet it while I cooked dinner. All while gazing at me adoringly and whispering "thank you thank youuuu!' over and over.

- I ask him what he wants to do one night. He lights up and goes "TANKS!!! OHMYGODLET'SPLAYTANKS!!!!!" while jumping up and down. Tanks is an online battle game where you commandeer a--you guessed it--tank. And blow things up. I believe I ended up playing Tanks with him that night.

- This past weekend I bought him more Tonic Water and some cinnamon candies because he loves cinnamon almost as much as the Water. While sitting at the table after brunch yesterday he grabbed the candies and his bottle of Tonic Water and got an evil grin on his face, then proceeded to drop candies into the drink. They immediately began fizzing and bubbling. "Ooooh! You know what this is? This is like mixing Mentos and Diet Coke! Explode-y!!" "Well don't do that! I have to pay for repairs and I don't feel like cleaning up a huge mess!" He just laughed and added more. Though to his credit he did closely monitor his Saturday science experiment so that it wouldn't explode all over my dining area.

- This conversation, held mere hours ago...
Boy: It looks like your wrap has crab in it.
Me: Yum!
Boy: I hate crab. I won't eat it. Ick.
Me: Why?!?
Boy: Crabs are like the spiders of the sea. They're creepy.
Me: Dammit! Now you've ruined one of my favorite foods!
Boy: Sorry...but do you see what I mean?
Me: *wears my patented "Not Impressed Face" for the next five minutes*

My life is definitely more entertaining since this guy came into my life. It's also filled with a lot of cuddling, a lot of sweet moments and so so much love. For every random moment of hilarity there's at least five achingly sweet moments of love and respect. Since I've met him I've been smiling a whole lot more. And not just because he's highly entertaining.

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